Khamis, 8 September 2016

Resepi Ayam Masak Coca Cola Blackpepper

Assalamualaikum w.b.t,

Dah lama jugak x update. Busy with too many things. Kali ni dh start sem 6 iaitu sem terakhir d uitm puncak alam. So intern kali ni mmg kat puncak alam jgk. So the exact same life, but different routine. Kali ni aku lebih rajin masak nk d banding kn dgn dlu. Maklum la bila dh ad fixed time working hours n leisure hours, so i can estimate what time to eat, n where to eat. Usually masak malam, utk mkn pd breakfast n lunch for next day. N bcoz of that aku jdi rajin memasak.

Scrol punye skrol jumpa la 1 rsepi unik ni kat beetalk. Forum Chef Amateur namanya. Rasa nya not 100% malaysian pple layan beetalk, so x salah korg cuba. Jimat data jgk dr bukak fb n ig tu.

This one recipe i found very unique bcoz dia guna coca cola. Which in fact, very unique to be used in a food. Tapi aku adjust n ubah bahan2 dia sbb aku x bape suka kicap, n tambah apa yg patut. So here it is. Im sure u guys gonna like it which is far much tastier than the original normal recipe.

Ayam 6-8 ketul
1 tin air coca cola (tambah ikot suka)
1-2 biji kentang
1 sb sos tiram
2 btg serai diketuk
2 biji Bawang merah
4 ulas Bawang putih
1/2 inci halia (ikot suka)
5 biji cili padi (ikut suka)
Serbuk lada hitam secukupnya
Garam seckup rasa

1. Goreng ayam dan kentang terlebih dahulu dengan serai. Lumur kn ayam dan kentang garam dahulu. Seblum mnjadi tlalu masak, asingkan dlu dlm bekas berasingan.

2. Tumis bwang merah, bwg putih, halia, cili padi yg d tumbuk , dan serai yg sma yg tlah d goreng dgn ayam tdi.

3. Masok kan ayam. Gaul ssuka hati ok mcm dlm pic ni
4. Masokkan air coca cola 1 tin, atau blh lebih lgi  kalo nak kuah lebih byk n pekat. Tggu dlm seminit biar menggelegak. Kemudian boleh masokkan sos tiram, garam seckup rasa dan serbuk lada hitam.

Dah siap. Simple kan. Jgn lupa try. Jgn ragu2 dgn air coke ni kalo masak. Gas dia dh hilang dh. Konpem menjilat jari.

Ok sekian waalaikumsalam.

Selasa, 8 Mac 2016

Menjilat ludahan di pintu syurga

Jilat ludah? Apa kes. Ofcourse semua tahu meaning dia apa. Ia lebih kepada hubungan percintaan yg dh lama berakhir tapi di minta or diberi peluang kedua utk kembali.

Yes im in that hectic situation. Aku kat sini bukan nak cerita menjaja hal peribadi kat umum. Cuma nak sampaikan apa yang patut dijadikan pedoman, tauladan or pengajaran bagi anda2 di luar sana supaya ambil langkah berjaga jaga. Sebab apa? Lelaki sekrang ni sume hancur. Never fall with the wrong guy.

Why i said all these? Ya la sbb my only ex la. Sudah cerai konon. Sume nya dusta belaka. Yes sory to say mmg my ex boyfriend ni suami orang. Kimk btul la kan. Pempuan mana sanggup nk merampas or berkongsi hak org lain bukan? Ce cite ade ke pmpuan sanggop? X dok lgsung aih. Yg dh kawin pon x sanggup dimadukan, apatah aku yg muda ni nk share laki org.

Betul la org ckp apa, lelaki duda yg kematian bini lagi baik and boleh dijadikan calon suami jika nk dibandingkan dgn duda bercerai. Sebab lelaki yg baik dia takkan ceraikan isterinya sebab dia yakin dari awal dia dh pilih wanita terbaik sebagai isteri. So he is not that kind of the good guy.

However, jodoh itu semua rahsia allah. Kalo aku yg terpilih utk dia akhirnya, aku redha and tak kisah. Cume hmmm.. Wanita mana nk kawin ngn duda kan? Kot2 bekas bini meroyan nk balik, aku yg frust lagi. Cukup2 la apa yg berlaku sebelum ni. Lagipun mereka ada dua org anak yg masih kecil (semak jer lah).

Okay berbalik pd cerita asal. Ayat dia punye manis lah. Boleh sakit gusi dibuatnya. Aku bukan bendul sgt taktahu taktik basi dia tuh. I know sometimes dia lebih ngam dengan aku bbanding dgn laki2 lain yg aku kenal selepas dia. Tapi itu x bermakna aku perlu stay balik dgn dia. Past is past. There are just lack of trust. How to build another relationship in future if there is no trust.

But somehow i know the right guy is out there. It just in matter of time only to wait for him to come. May be him or may not at all. But the problem with my ex is dia tu terlalu workaholic. We can go days by days without keep in touch. Tapi sekali date haaaa. Nayaa..

But girls out there pls be aware. No guys are the right guys until you are ready for it. Jangan mudah percayakan lelaki. Lelaki mmg akan baik dgn kita, but dun trust them.  First girls must not fall for the guys yg memang suami org. Come on la laki mmg niat nk berbini lebih dari satu. Konon nk bg bini first payung emas.

Perbalahan antara lelaki dan wanita mengenai hidup bermadu ni mmg kita dh biasa dengar. Lelaki kalo bercakap nak menang je pasal bermadu. Konon ikot sunnah nabi. Kepala bapak hang la ikot sunnah nabi konon sedangkan diri tu agama x ckup kukuh, iman masih goyah dgn godaan dunia. Kekadang boleh gaduh woo kat beetalk tu sebab kes bermadu ni.

Haaa kes paling aku sronok tgk kelemahan laki ni masa kes wanita yang serang and malukan suami nya di perkahwinan kedua suaminya yg x minta izin dia. Woo panas hati aku woo tgk kes tu. Kalo aku jadi dia, dah lama aku hentak pempuan yg kawin ngan suami dia tu. Silap2 naya masok icu aku kerja kan betina tuh. Erghh marahh. Yg kes tu aku mmg nak gelak tgk respon jantan2 keparat lain bab tu. Kecut nak mampus. Kat situ kita boleh nampak kelemahan laki ni. Nak back up ape lagi kan. Terang2 jantan keparat dlm video tu a.k.a laki si wanita yg kawin diam2 tu mmg bersalah. Adehh bebel banyak plak psl yg tu. Mmg emo sikit ehh sory haahahhah.

Btw remember what i told you girls. Remember that girls are priced too high. Dun waste it. Choose the right guy to enter your life and your heart. Be good to get the good one.

Okay tenkius assalamualaikum.

Isnin, 29 Februari 2016

Meaning behind 'Black Hearts Scarring Darker Still'

Assalamualaikum w.k.t,

Semua sihat kan? Kalau x sihat blom tentu korang boleh msok sini kan. Tapi x kisah la macamna pon. I tried to post in malay, but see here, too much short form. Maybe sebab dh biasa sgt taip bahasa budak2 kan. Buts its okay, this is all a process of learning. I know i kinda lack in reading. Its my obvious dramatic weakness. But i know i had potential to be very rajin in writing since i kinda person likes to express my thoughts vigorously and sometimes, it can be brutally.

I know my lacking in reading is not supposed to be doing. And i take action to fix and change my weaknesses. I wanna be a person with deep knowledge, adapt to current situation, aware of political instability, and many more in various aspects and fields. And of course i won't writing with vain, and i won't provide information that goes without valid actual fact. All my writing will be of a deep investigation and studies on the things that i might be sharing. Beside that, while writing, we are all can improve our language, pronounciation and so many more. So why not, right?.

Okay, sebelum tersimpang jauh. I wanna share something here about meaning behind my blog's name. And rasanya mesti tertanya-tanya kan  kenapa la tajuk blog si minah ni pelik sgt, ape yg hati hitam sgt kan? But dun you guys worried, there is no bad intentions or darker stories to be shared here. And i bet all metallica fan boys and girls know the meaning already. And those metalheads yang dh lama dalam underground music scene, mesti dh biasa dgn band2 yg legend mcm metallica ni. Here i provide the origins which lines of lyrics which the title of my blog comes from:

The Unforgiven II - Metallica

Come lay beside me, this won't hurt I swear
She loves me not, she loves me still but she'll never love again
She lay beside me but she'll be there when I'm gone
Black hearts scarring darker still, yes she'll be there when I'm gone
Yes she'll be there when I'm gone, dead sure she'll be there

What I've felt, what I've known
Turn the pages, turn the stone
Behind the door, should I open it for you?

Yeah, what I've felt, what I've known
Sick and tired, I stand alone
Could you be there
'Cause I'm the one who waits for you
Or are you unforgiven too?

Lay beside me, tell me what I've done
The door is closed so are your eyes
But now I see the sun, now I see the sun
Yes now I see it

What I've felt, what I've known
Turn the pages, turn the stone
Behind the door, should I open it for you

Yeah, what I've felt, what I've known
So sick and tired, I stand alone
Could you be there
'Cause I'm the one who waits
The one who waits for you

Oh, what I've felt, what I've known
Turn the pages, turn the stone
Behind the door, should I open it for you?
(So I dub thee unforgiven)

Oh, what I've felt
Oh, what I've known
I'll take this key and I'll bury it in you
Because you're unforgiven too

Never free, never me
Because you're unforgiven too

There you are the lyrics. These lyrics has deep meaning. And i choose to use that bolded line to be the title of my blog. 'Black Heart Scarring Darker Still' which is much more poetic. We are all have no need the heart to be darken, damaged, get hurt and so on. The life is choice to make, whether we want it or not, it happens anyway. If i am a monster, why dun you kill the man that made me a monster. Other people bad intention somehow kills our heart, kills the wise inside us.

Hahahahha. Im mumbling too much. And thank you.

Jumaat, 26 Februari 2016

My first writting

This would be my first time writing a blog. I kinda like to write everything comes into my mind. This ideas of writing a blog comes when my friends ask me whether i have my own blogger account. But that time i was just giving excuses to him on why im still online on the web. Why the hell i should tell him that im a person who likes to go online right? Since there is plenty of things going on in a women's mind when they need to occupied their spare time, i was just giving excuses.

I read on the web on how to create a blogger account. Thanks to that person, it seems that creating a blogging account is not so hard actually. I am writing this as soon as my account just completed. I kinda likes to write in english. I don't say that my english is the best of all or anything at all. Just if there any flaws, mistakes or anything at all just let me know. I would open my mind, heart and etc to accept any comments or feedback from readers. So in time i might as well write in malay language.

Last but not least, not forgetting to introduce myself. I am just a cool girl from perak. Twenty two years old, middle-child, still a student currently and not yet married. With pathetic economic condition of malaysia today, it is quite uncool to be unemployed instead of employed. Cause upcoming economic condition of malaysia is still blurred, i kinda feel like being students is either wasting and hopefully maybe not.

Okay, i dun want to write to much. Just want to make this official. Must end it here. More to come, i will be writting again soon. Thanks for reading my not-so-cool first post. Thanks.